GOD Tells Us Of UFOs And Is Sending Them

Written in 2013
by Tony Alamo
aka Bernie Hoffman

It’s frustrating to hear people speak about what they call unidentified flying objects. To them, they are unidentifiable, but to me they are very identifiable! These are clearly mentioned in the prophetic book of Ezekiel in the Bible.

“As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels” (Ezekiel 1:13-21).

“I heard also the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels over against them, and a noise of a great rushing” (Ezekiel 3:13).

“And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubim, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness, as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not as they went, but to the place whither the head looked they followed it; they turned not as they went. And their whole body, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, were full of eyes round about, even the wheels that they four had. As for the wheels, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel. And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. And the cherubim were lifted up. This is the living creature that I saw by the river of Chebar. And when the cherubim went, the wheels went by them: and when the cherubim lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the same wheels also turned not from beside them. When they stood, these stood; and when they were lifted up, these lifted up themselves also: for the spirit of the living creature was in them” (Ezekiel 10:9-17).

King David of Israel wrote of the flying saucers: “The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the LORD is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place” (Psalm 68:17).

Religions which are not based on the Bible, and those who do not follow JESUS, don’t want to believe it.1 If they did, they would be admitting the Bible is absolutely correct.

My late wife, Sue, and I were on our way to Las Vegas to be married after the LORD, by visions, put us together. We were driving there at night through a pitch-black desert. Sue was driving when she said to me, “Hold my hand, and let’s ask GOD that if there really are UFOs, to show them to us.” We prayed, and immediately a whole squadron of them, one, two, three, and four of them at a time, flew at the windshield of the car, just missing the front window by a fraction of an inch! We could see them very far off, then, in a fraction of a second, they were barely missing the front windshield of the car. I looked out of the back window of the car while telling Sue to stop the car, for fear they (the flying saucers) would crash into the car, and I saw them disappear as fast as we saw them approach.

Sue dug her sharp fingernails into my hand and asked me if I saw anything. I said, “Yes!” She asked, “What?” I said, “Flying saucers!” She said, “Yes,” digging her sharp fingernails deeper into my hand.

I wouldn’t write any of these things that I write to the world if the LORD didn’t have me under a terrible threat, which is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments in the old KJV Bible. The threat in the Old Testament is in the book of Ezekiel 3:17-19: “Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the WORD at MY mouth, and give them warning from ME. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and you don’t give him warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand. Yet if you warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul [we won’t lose our souls if we warn them].”

The following verses destroy the false doctrine of “once saved, always saved.”2 The Bible is filled with many Scriptures like this, and I am warning you. Ezekiel 3:20-21: “Again, when a righteous man does turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die: because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin [shall go to the Lake of Fire], and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood [his life] will I require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also you have delivered your soul.” This threat from GOD is to all those who hold the truth in righteousness and unrighteousness! (Romans 1:18).

Many hundreds of years before JESUS gave the book of Revelation to the Apostle John, Ezekiel saw a very similar scene. “The heavens were opened, and [Ezekiel] saw visions of GOD…The WORD of the LORD came expressly to Ezekiel the priest [and prophet also]…and the hand of the LORD was there upon him. And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north [this is symbolic of a whirlwind of satanic activity being done quickly in these last days], a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself [The great cloud is symbolic in that no one could tell what all the evil was about, where it was coming from, or why. The fire infolding itself is the tribulation the people of the world, the unsaved, are going through, which GOD is allowing in the hopes that those who have fallen away and those who are lukewarm will repent, then serve GOD with all their hearts.3], and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire” (Ezekiel 1:1, 3-4). GOD is allowing it and is ready to forgive and accept all those who repent. The color matches the visage of GOD in the book of Revelation (Revelation 1:16, 2:18).

“Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5). These have the same appearance as those mentioned in the book of Revelation 4:6-7: “And round about the throne [of GOD], were four beasts full of eyes before and behind [full of the seven SPIRITS of GOD,4 which are surveying the nations in the spiritual crafts just before JESUS comes back to earth again]. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf [or young ox], and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.” These are the same creatures that Ezekiel saw in his vision from the LORD in the first chapter of Ezekiel.

“And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes [full of observation of all things on Earth] within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, which was, and is, and is to come [with all of their eyes, the seven SPIRITS of GOD, to survey the earth] (Revelation 4:8). They see how feeble the people of earth are, how deceived they are, and the devil and all those who are deceived by him, contrasted with the ALMIGHTY GOD, causes them to “…give glory and honour and thanks to HIM who sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever. The four and twenty elders fall down before HIM that sat on the throne, and worship HIM that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, THOU art worthy, O LORD, to receive glory and honour and power: for THOU hast created all things, and for THY pleasure [not ours] they are and were created” (Revelation 4:9-11).

Now there are obviously four-winged creatures and six-winged creatures in Heaven, but the beasts in Ezekiel and in Revelation surveying the earth in these last days are the same. The UFOs move with the speed of lightning, and they are from GOD, not from any other planet, as those who are spiritually dead say.

As soon as Sue and I called upon GOD, HE sent them for us to see. We asked GOD, and they came immediately! All of you are just wasting your time talking about the aliens and UFOs coming from another planet. Ezekiel speaks of seeing them: “As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces [with all their surveying eyes]. The appearance of the wheels [or saucers] and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel” (Ezekiel 1:13-16, 10 :10).

UFOs are from the spiritual realm! However, a deception will take place in the last days before JESUS returns to Earth. Satan, the deceiver,5 always attempts to copy GOD and cause every human soul to doubt the eternal truth of the WORD of GOD. As there are angelic beings in “flying saucers,” so there are the demonic fallen angels as well. Satan will attempt to fool all who are ignorant of the WORD of GOD to believe there are other life forms on other planets and galaxies who are also here among us. This “alien invasion” is not another life form. It will be the angels who are obedient to GOD or the fallen third of the angels who rebelled against GOD, followed Satan, and were cast down to the Earth with Satan.6 Even though GOD created Hell only for Satan and his followers, both angels and humans who choose to follow the devil will spend eternity in Hell, in the Lake of Fire forever.7

JESUS said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven. Behold, I give unto you power [authority] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:18-19). JESUS gave HIS authority over Satan to us to use against ALL the power of the enemy.

Have faith in GOD. Seek HIM and you will find HIM. JESUS is the truth, the WORD of GOD.8 JESUS said, “Come unto ME, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For MY yoke is easy, and MY burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

JESUS is coming back very soon!9 Get ready to meet HIM by humbling yourself and repenting of your past sins. Ask JESUS to wash your sins away with the blood HE shed for you on the cross. HE will not turn you away. Start by saying this prayer:


My LORD and my GOD, have mercy upon my soul, a sinner. 1 I believe that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of the living GOD. 2 I believe that HE died on the cross and shed HIS precious blood for the forgiveness of all my former sins. 3 I believe that GOD raised JESUS from the dead by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT 4 and that HE sits on the right hand of GOD at this moment, hearing my confession of sin and this prayer. 5 I open up the door of my heart, and I invite YOU into my heart, LORD JESUS. 6 Wash all of my filthy sins away in the precious blood that YOU shed in my place on the cross at Calvary. 7 YOU will not turn me away, LORD JESUS; YOU will forgive my sins and save my soul. I know because YOUR WORD, the Bible, says so. 8 YOUR WORD says that YOU will turn no one away, and that includes me. 9 Therefore, I know that YOU have heard me, and I know that YOU have answered me, and I know that I am saved. 10 And I thank YOU, LORD JESUS, for saving my soul, and I will show my thankfulness by doing as YOU command and sin no more.11

After salvation, JESUS said to be baptized, fully submerged in water, in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY SPIRIT.12 Then study the King James Version Bible, and, for your benefit and the benefit of others, do what it says.13

CHRIST and GOD the FATHER now live in you through the HOLY SPIRIT. There is a way you can receive a fuller portion of the divine nature of GOD in you. The more the divine nature of GOD lives in you, the more you will be able to stand against the temptations that have so easily moved so many millions of Christians away from salvation. Pray for the baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT.14 For instructions on how to receive the baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT and to receive more of GOD’S holy nature, ask for our literature or call. For without holiness, no man shall see GOD (Hebrews 12:14).

The LORD wants you to tell others of your salvation (Mark 16:15). You can become a distributor of Pastor Tony Alamo’s Gospel literature. We’ll send you literature free of charge. Call or email us for more information. Share this message with someone else.

If you want the world saved, as JESUS commands, then don’t rob GOD of HIS tithes and offerings. GOD said, “Will a man rob GOD? Yet ye have robbed ME. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed THEE? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed ME, even this whole nation [and this whole world]. Bring ye all the tithes [a ‘tithe’ is 10% of your gross income] into the storehouse, that there may be meat [Spiritual food] in MINE house [souls saved], and prove ME now herewith, saith the LORD of HOSTS, if I will not open you the windows of Heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of HOSTS. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of HOSTS” (Malachi 3:8-12).

English Alamo Literature

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© Copyright July 2024 All rights reserved World Pastor Tony Alamo ® Registered July 2024


1. John 1:1, 14, 17:17, Eph. 4:17-21 return

2. Ex. 32:33, Josh. 24:20, 1 Chron. 28:9, 2 Chron. 15:2, Ezra 8:22, Ezek. 33:12-13, Matt. 5:13, 12:43-45, Luke 9:62, John 15:6, Rom. 11:22, Gal. 2:17-18, Col. 1:21-23, 2 Thes. 2:3, 1 Tim. 1:19, 2 Tim. 2:12, Heb. 3:6-19, 4:1-11, 6:4-8, 10:26-31, 38-39, 1 Pet. 4:17-18, 2 Pet. 2:20-22, 1 John 3:6-10, 2 John 9, Jude 5-6, Rev. 2:4-5, 3:2-3 return

3. Mark 1:15, 12:30, Acts 2:38, 3:19, 17:30-31, Rev. 2:1-5, 3:1-3, 14-19 return

4. Isa. 11:1-3, Rev. 4:5, 5:6 return

5. Gen. 3:1-6, Isa. 14:9-17, John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, 11:13-15, 2 Thes. 2:3-12, Rev. 2:9, 12:9, 13:1-8, 11-18, 16:13-14, 17:8, 19:19-21, 20:1-3, 7-10 return

6. Rev. 12:3-4, 7-9 return

7. Matt. 25:14-46, Rev. 19:20, 20:10, 14-15 return

8. John 1:1-3, 14, 17:17, 1 John 1:1-3, Rev. 19:13 return

9. Mark 13:3-31, Rev. 3:19-21, 22:12-14 return

Prayer footnotes:

1. Psa. 51:5, Rom. 3:10-12, 23 return

2. Matt. 26:63-64, 27:54, Luke 1:30-33, John 9:35-37, Rom. 1:3-4 return

3. Acts 4:12, 20:28, Rom. 3:25, I John 1:7, Rev. 5:9 return

4. Psa. 16:9-10, Matt. 28:5-7, Mark 16:9, 12, 14, John 2:19, 21, 10:17-18, 11:25, Acts 2:24, 3:15, Rom. 8:11, I Cor. 15:3-7 return

5. Luke 22:69, Acts 2:25-36, Heb. 10:12-13 return

6. I Cor. 3:16, Rev. 3:20 return

7. Eph. 2:13-22, Heb. 9:22, 13:12, 20-21, I John 1:7, Rev. 1:5, 7:14 return

8. Matt. 26:28, Acts 2:21, 4:12, Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:14 return

9. Matt. 21:22, John 6:35, 37-40, Rom. 10:13 return

10. Heb. 11:6 return

11. John 5:14, 8:11, Rom. 6:4, I Cor. 15:10, Rev. 7:14, 22:14 return

12. Matt. 28:18-20, John 3:5, Acts 2:38, 19:3-5 return

13. Deut. 4:29, 13:4, 26:16, Josh. 1:8, 22:5, 2 Tim. 2:15, 3:14-17, James 1:22-25, Rev. 3:18 return

14. Isa. 28:11-12, Joel 2:28-29, Luke 3:16, 11:9-13, John 1:29-34, 7:37-39, 14:15-29, 15:26, 16:7-14, Acts 1:1-8, 2:1-18, 32-39, 5:29-32, 19:1-7, Rom. 5:3-5, 15:13 return