My name is Barbara Merrell and I came to the Tony Alamo Ministries in 1984 because I wanted to learn how to serve the Lord. Whatever I could do to keep my newfound salvation, I was willing to do it. The church is set up like a seminary. You’re taught how to walk with God, to please God, and to help each other as you learn.

We have services every night. That was amazing to me. There’s a guest ride everyday at Hollywood and Highland in Hollywood, CA. People can come up, attend a church service, and have a hot meal after each service. If this Ministry was just church services on Sunday, I would not be here. I had experienced that already. The Tony Alamo Ministries has been a total learning and living experience. The Ministry teaches you how to have a walk with God every day, get strong in the ways of God, and extend the same to others.

My husband and I took out witnessing crews to distribute Gospel literature. I don’t remember how long we did that. I came back to the Los Angeles church in 2001, and I’ve been cooking here since then. I made numerous food boxes for needy families and gave out blankets and clothing to the needy. That’s what the Ministry is about, helping people; helping people to stay out of Hell; helping people with every day needs. The meals I cook each day are not just for the brothers and sisters, but for people who are hungry. They get a full meal. It’s nutritious, it looks good, and it tastes good. The Christ in us, His People, is still feeding the multitudes.

I can see the hand of God moving through the responses read each night. All the Gospel literature, Bibles, Messiah Books are sent free of charge to everyone, even in other countries. Where do you think that money comes from to do that? We, the members of Tony Alamo Ministries, roll up our sleeves and make it happen. We don’t receive any type of aid.

I’ve never known Tony Alamo to own anything. The church is not set up like that. We’re like the book of Acts. We all put into the Ministry and distribution is made as needed. We want to win souls for Christ. That’s what Christ commands us to do.

I’ve seen the work done through this Ministry. I want to be a part of that. I am a part of that.

Barbara Merrell

