To whom it may concern,

My name is Damon Head. I have been a part of this Ministry for 3 months. In the short time I have been here, I and all the members have made our own money, and have been putting it in the Ministry. Tony’s name is on the sign, but he doesn’t own the properties. The members do!

I have personally gone to surrounding cities and helped the poor, have given donations to a local Bible tabernacle, gone witnessing, and I have given my testimony many different times. All the money anyone gets goes straight into the church. The rest goes to the poor and needy in our country and foreign countries. We use our money (not Tony’s) for everything our community needs.

I have done plumbing and water systems for the members for this ministry. All funds are for the spreading of the Gospel. The money that we make is not for Tony’s benefit. It’s for the Gospel and the community’s benefit.

Damon Head

