To whom it may concern, 4-16-13
I have been a member of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries my whole life (14 years). I remember being too young to do much of anything until I was about ten years old. I went to church services whenever possible, every night and in the afternoon on Sundays. When I was old enough, I went witnessing with my dad and other church members. I did not do this for Tony or anyone else; I did it for God. The older I got the more I helped out, in the kitchen helping to cook meals, and anywhere else I could. I remember when we bought an old restaurant to be used for cooking the meals every night; I helped fix it up after school whenever I could. I also remember the first time I went on a witnessing crew out of state; I had wanted to go for a long time. We passed out many tracts, but none of this was for Tony Alamo, it was for saving souls. Tony Alamo is our spiritual leader; he writes literature, makes messages, and tries to win souls to Christ, because if he did not, he, just like the rest of us, would be accountable for all the souls he could have reached, but didn't. Tony Alamo doesn't benefit from any of this because his reward is in Heaven; he doesn't pursue any reward on this earth.

Stephen B. Lovellette


