The True Believers' Sabbath

Tony Alamo

Jesus commands the world to abide in Him daily by the power of faith.1 This command conveys the message to us of a daily, hallowed, permanent resting in Christ’s everyday Sabbath. Hallowed literally means "set apart from profane usage." In Christ we are to be hallowed or set apart from profane usage every day.2 A life in Jesus is a life of rest from sin, Satan, and the cares of this world; this means by faith in Christ, God’s Word, we may have a daily refreshment, a colloquial "catching your breath," a daily renewal of the soul.3 This daily Sabbath from sin, Satan, and the cares of the world brings happiness, restfulness, confidence, stability, and a peaceable trust within our souls.4


By faith in God’s Word, our spiritual nature is heightened to eternal life through the influence of the Lord’s perpetual, holy Sabbath. Even the lowliest person in the world is to be reminded that he has a soul, that his soul is going to spend eternity somewhere, and that there is a higher eternal life than his mere drudgery on earth.5 He is also to note that there is an eternal drudgery with pain beneath the earth.6


Again Jesus says, "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."7 When, by the power of faith, we come to Jesus for our permanent rest and God’s principles of love are established in our hearts, we are new creatures, formed in the image and likeness of our Creator.8 We then can begin, by the power of faith in Christ, to keep our part of the New Testament covenant promise of eternal life, enjoying all of God’s blessings with confidence, because every day we rest assured by our faith in Him Who is our strength.9 God has fulfilled His part of the New Testament covenant as follows: "I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them."10 It is when we trust Him to provide His true church with the means of becoming a holy people (resting in Him) that we may experience the spiritual, perpetual Sabbath. When, by our faith, the law is spiritually written in our hearts and minds, our daily lives reflect a holy life as we rest every day in Jesus, away from sin, Satan, and the influences of the world.11


All those who preach our release from the daily obligation of keeping God’s commandments are like the unkenneled devil himself who knows truth from error well enough but hates to be ruled by it.12 Those who preach such heresy are not preaching rest away from sin and Satan by a lifelong faith in Christ. They are preaching a doctrine which will, if believed, cause doubt, sin, death, and eternal damnation.13 "By grace [Christ’s power] are ye saved through faith" in Him.14

This marriage of God to ourselves is our proclamation of total belief in God, in His Christ, and in our obedience to His law. There is absolutely no danger of falling by pride if we have total faith in Christ. Faith in Christ is the most self-emptying power or grace of any other. The Apostle Paul states "through the grace [power of God] given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith [power]."15 Our obedience must not be sporadic, but daily. We must renew our covenant daily by faith, reminding ourselves that God is the Creator of the universe as well as our Lord, Saviour, and King.16


The Apostle James stated, "Faith, if it hath not works, is dead."17 It would be an open denial of faith in God for any true, spiritual Israelite Christian to desecrate the Sabbath of Christ, seeing how by faith His Word has constructed His tabernacle in our body by His Spirit.18 The institution of a daily Sabbath away from sin is a great part of God’s redemption plan. Therefore, it is intended for every human being. The Psalmist David stated of Jesus through the Spirit of the Lord, "I delight to do Thy will, O my God: yea, Thy law is within my heart."19


The Sabbath is a specific law, the fourth commandment.20 It was given to humanity through the Jews as a contribution to human civilization and a shadow of the forthcoming daily Sabbath in Christ, a time away from sin and the influences of the world.


Christ’s bride is the true church of God, the new covenant spiritual Israel.21 She trusts in Him fully and to daily provide for her, as a wife trusts her husband to provide for her.


If the law is not to be observed any longer, as the false prophets say, then why is it that God in His New Testament covenant Sabbath writes the law in Christians’ hearts and minds?22 And why does Christ Who is God say, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil"?23

Those who by faith have surrendered themselves over to the power and restful life in Christ are, as the Bible states, entering into a perpetual, everlasting, restful Sabbath away from sin, Satan, and the influences of this world so they may do God’s work, His will.24 As husband and wife are one, so do we all become one in Christ by entering His rest.25 We must trust Him for all that He promises or provides us as His bride. He gives us the means of becoming a holy people.26

This perpetual Sabbath of rest away from sin, Satan, and the world is a comfortable place of peace. Here we have Christ’s power working for us in a world that knows no true comfort, no peace, and no true power of Christ while facing perils on every front. We, the believers, have a double anchor for our souls 27 to give us the assurance we need to continue our journey in a life, away from sin, Satan, and the influences of the world, no matter how dark our days. We must simply trust the Word of God and rest in Christ’s power to save, to deliver, and to heal.

The perpetual covenant between bride (the church) and groom (Christ) provides for the bride hallowing herself in the everyday Sabbath and resting from her former lusts, the cares of the world.28 All those who keep His Word are led by His Word.29 They are the ordained body of Christ on earth who, by faith in Him, have made themselves ready for their eternal reign with Him in a new Heaven and a new earth.30


The spiritual Israel in Revelation 12:1 is the woman with twelve stars in her crown. She is the spotless bride of Christ, the Lord’s helpmate on earth, keeping herself a queen for the King of kings, eagerly awaiting the marriage supper of the Lamb in Heaven.31 Our assurance in Christ is our certainty of the validity of Christian revelation which is most commonly employed to denote the firm persuasion of one’s own salvation.32 Those who by faith in Christ become new creatures in Christ will, through being in Christ’s Sabbath, bring forth the fruit of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."33 This will also win many souls to Christ.34 They will no longer fashion themselves according to their former lusts, but will, by their faith and their assurance of living in the perpetual Sabbath of the Son of God,35 follow in His steps.36


The Sabbath is a symbol of immortality, of that life which is wholly a Sabbath, a life spent with God the Creator and Lord of the universe, the work of His goodness and wisdom. Man whom He made in His own image and likeness is, by faith in Christ, to hallow his life away from the sins of the world by celebrating the blessedness of Sabbathing and resting in Christ in the same manner that Christ lives in His people.37

The Lord has planted a Heaven in every born-again Christian’s heart, filling it with long expected and blissfully greeted peace. He makes the heart a sanctuary, the born-again Christian father, a priest and king 38 and the mother, his helpmate.39 The wife is one with her husband, as the church of the Lord is one with Him.40 "This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church."41

They who by faith in Christ have entered the perpetual Sabbath away from sin, Satan, and the world now reflect His likeness and image. They purify themselves, even as He is pure.42 The things they once hated, they now love and the things they once loved, they now hate.43 Those who were once filled with pride and self-assertiveness have become meek and lowly in heart because they rest assured that Christ is able to make them more than conquerors in Him.44

All the things of the world must be laid aside.45 True Christians resting in hope gotten by faith will not seek things for themselves or be that concerned about their outward appearance.46 They will not perform meaningless religious ceremonies to raise themselves in other’s eyes.47 Instead, they will, through the Holy Spirit, fully furnish the inward man with Christ’s likeness and image.48


The perpetual Sabbath away from sin, Satan, and the world banishes care, toil, grief, sorrow, and all fastings in the Old Testament, with the exception of the day of atonement that Christ fulfilled in the New Testament. Fasting on the Sabbath was forbidden in the Old Testament and all mourning was suspended on the Sabbath day. In the Old Testament, a Jew would be put to death for toiling on the Sabbath because the Sabbath was a symbol of a Heaven where there would be no work, no toil, no sin, no Satan, and no disobedience to God.49

You would hear songs in the historical Jewish homes on the Sabbath. The spiritual effect of the Sabbath is the extra soul, the Spirit of God, the Christ dwelling within us. The Sabbath is what many ignorant and unsympathetic critics condemn as an intolerable burden. It’s so sad that the ignorant don’t know that they’re ignorant.


It is impossible for us by ourselves to escape from the pit of sin into which we have sunk.50 Our hearts are evil and we cannot change them.51 "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one."52 "The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."53 There is only one solution. That solution is to surrender to God, to enter into Christ’s rest, the perpetual Sabbath54 so we might be strong, clean, and whole in Him, having strong assurance through God’s infinite, powerful Spirit.55 Man cannot make himself spiritually strong and pure.56 The new and holy life which brings peace must come by the power of faith from God before we can change from unrighteous people to righteous people.


The strength of the entire body of sin lies in the prison of unbelief. Unbelief is the greatest sin. There is no mastering a sinner while unbelief rules him or her. God’s power is ours through Christ when we enter into God’s rest of safety which rests in His infinite power. For, "All power is given unto Me [Christ] in Heaven and in earth."57 His grace (power) alone is sufficient for us.58 This is so we might trust Him and show it by resting in Him. He will respond by trusting us all the time and show it by blessing us.59


When I visited Israel, where the old Sabbath is strictly kept, I observed Jewish families that observed the law of the patriarchs with sincere piety in the strictness of their will. Any critic or surface Christian would be astonished at the wealth of joyfulness, gratitude, and sunshine on the Sabbath, a wealth undreamed of by outsiders. The law is animated in Jewish [and true Christians’] homes. The entire household rejoices on the Sabbath, which they celebrate with rare satisfaction, not as the day of rest only, but rather as the day of rejoicing as well.


The born-again Christian and the entire world needs to know the reality of constantly rejoicing with joy in our souls.60 We need to enjoy and be thankful for the abundance of the goodness of God.61 Such expressions are not mere words; they are the outcome of pure and genuine happiness and enthusiasm for being born again in the Lord and having eternal life. That is, we must rejoice in having His infallible instructions for the power enabling us to do His holy works in rest rather than evil works in Satan’s bondage.


Our power is our faith in Christ’s power to defend us, to uphold us, to strengthen us, and to do much more. I do not mean that men are not to support their wives, their children, and themselves because it is written "that if any would not work, neither should he eat."62 By this I mean we must, by faith, cease the works of sin and begin doing the works of God, the Christ, which include supporting your wife, your children, and yourself spiritually, monetarily, and physically.63 The entire Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, agreed what should be done before Christ came to earth as a man of godly action.

If Adam had kept himself righteous by resting assured in God’s principles, Christ would have been spared all of His pains. It was man’s lost holiness, eternal life, and rest that Christ came to recover. Christ came to negotiate as a mediator for both God and man.64 Without the observance of the daily Sabbath of He Who is the Lord of the Sabbath, away from sin, Satan, and the influences of the world,65 a Christian life immediately disappears.

Christ’s negotiation was to allow us to exchange our old life of sin and Satan’s servile labor for a life and career of practicing holiness, both for God’s glory and man’s eternal happiness. Neither of these can be attained unless holiness is restored in man by faith in God, in Christ’s everyday Sabbath.


God is glorious in His own holy nature and works.66 God is also glorified by the holiness of His people’s hearts. God and His people live in holiness daily.67 It is the height of blasphemy to think that a holy God would work in a people that would not be holy every day. God Himself would cease to be glorious; His sovereignty would degenerate into tyranny, His wisdom into craftiness, and His justice into cruelty. All the attributes of God are glorified in the holiness of all His people.68 No one but a regenerated, holy person will or can do that.

By Christ living in us, and us living in Him who is the Sabbath, we announce to the world our belief in God, the Christ as the Creator of the universe, a God who is not identical to nature, His creation, but is a free personality, the Creator and ruler of nature. When Christ lives in us and we live in His Sabbath, as the Lord states, Satan will do everything in his power to crush out our souls. Only through faith in Christ’s Sabbath, through living in Him, and through Him living in us, are we recreated so we may live in the power of God.69


Faith is the eye of the soul by which we see the filth and the Hell in every sin. Even though the world stands in sin, it can end its bondage by coming unto Christ and resting permanently from its sins.70 We can now give God the glory that our once sinful nature would not when we defied and hated God.


Christ did not come just to procure a pardon for us. He came to restore His lost holiness in us.71 Christ did not come to the world to pardon our former sins only to release us to sin again. If this were true, He would only have been a minister of sin, a position which would not bring glory to God or leave any evidence of God’s power working in us. If He was only a minister of sin, He would have set sin on the throne, liberating us to dishonor God lawlessly without any control. The happiness of all humanity could never have been obtained without His recovering our lost holiness, our eternal life, and our power through God’s infinitely powerful Spirit. We recover these things through our faith in Him. Our happiness is found in our likeness to God and in Jesus’ fruition of God. We must be pardoned before we can enjoy happiness. We must be like God before God can like us. And God must take full residence in us before He admits us to the enjoyment of Himself.72 Christ commands His people to be holy as God is holy.73 Christ’s heart was full with the desire to make us a holy people.


The Apostle Paul makes strong charges against all unholy professing Christians, charges which he makes in tears. "They are the enemies of the cross of Christ."74 True Christians are, by faith in Christ, recreated again in His image and likeness. We then are endowed with Christ’s divine power by simply saying "enough" and "be still" 75 to all the rebellious claims of our environment. As we read His Word, we are reminded of our potential victory over all the supernatural, natural, and hostile material and spiritual forces that would drag us down to Hell. Christ came to "destroy the works of the devil."76 Those who walk loosely in unholiness will be destroyed by Christ.77 Professing Christians, pretenders, set out to destroy Christ’s work. They are by no means resting in Christian faith; rather, they are the children of the devil operating in their own weakness.78


The blessed Sabbath in Christ is something revolutionary, a miracle by which man can emancipate himself from Satan, from sin, and from the slavery of his worldly cares. Man was created by God for spiritual freedom, peace, and joy.

The Lord Jesus poured out the blood of His heart, redeeming us from the hands of sin, Satan, death, Hell, and the grave so that we might be free to serve God without fear.79 The slothful, loose, professing Christian, the pretender, continues under his old sinful bondage, that which he had been ransomed from with so great a sum by Christ. Whose heart does not tremble at such horrid ingratitude!?

Christ’s Sabbath is the glory of our humanity. Christ gave His life for us that we may have this power in the Sabbath, which is Himself, to rest from our old works of sin.80

When God promises a new heart, He says, "I will put My Spirit within you"81 so you might "walk in My statutes, and keep My judgments, and do them."82 An old heart would have served well enough to have done the devil’s work in everything. But God, intending us for more high and prestigious work, wants us to lift our heads out of sin’s prison. He commands us by faith in Him to do His own work.83 He throws away our prison apparel and beautifies us with the power of His Spirit so that our hearts may be suitable for His work.84

This prerogative and privilege is for mankind alone.85 The Sabbath is endowed with sanctifying power. God intends us to be suitable for His holy use.86 Isaiah speaks of the Sabbath as a delight.87 This is because the Sabbath is voluntary, congenial, happy, and cheerful.

We are to be spiritual temples fit for Christ’s life.88 A regenerated heart is the workmanship of God Himself, "created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."89


Now, if we sin after we repent, we are in deep trouble 90 unless it is a sin of ignorance.91 If it truly is a sin of ignorance, "we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."92 When we read the Old and New Testament, we see that a sin done in the temple was greater than one committed by a person outside of the temple, because the temple was a consecrated place.93 The saint is the consecrated temple of God, the sanctuary in which Christ abides.94 By acts of unrighteousness he profanes God’s temple. This is a great sin and theft, because he robs God of the glory due Him. The sin of a saint is sacrilege because he robs God of that which is especially devoted to Him. He aborts the life of Christ in him, recrucifying Him afresh, and putting Him to an open shame 95 before He can grow to His fullness in His temple, the saint’s body. It would have been better for him not to have ever repented at all than to repent of his repentance.96


When we leave our fruitless, sinful life behind and enter God’s continuous, hallowed Sabbath of rest, we enter into life by faith through God’s Spirit. We are then able to keep the two most important commandments, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength...[and] love thy neighbour as thyself."97 Jesus said, "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."98

When we, by faith in Christ, rest in the Sabbath completely, we have allowed God to construct His tabernacle in us and commence working in us.99 We are now easily able to keep all the commandments, because we are born into Christ’s power, His spiritual life with Him. We now work in the service of God.


Resting in Christ as our Sabbath is the first step towards holiness in man’s spiritual life. The Sabbath is not only a daily cessation from work [our evil works], it is also our actual communal worship for salvation and spiritual growth in Christ. Our daily Sabbath in Christ is our eternal life. Now, we that are walking in God’s true daily Sabbath of rest will say, as the book of Hebrews says, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace [power] to help in time of need."100 "In Him [Christ] was life; and the life was the light of men."101 The Sabbath distinguishes the work of freedom from slavery, giving us eternally sublime joy and happiness102 in our eternal life in Christ. This is why we must Sabbath in Him daily.


This daily Sabbath in Christ puts our will to death so we may do Christ’s will.103 When we enter the eternal, new covenant, daily Sabbath, we no longer fear whether we are saved or not, and we do not fear death any longer.104 This happens when the eternal life of God is planted in our heart by the powerful operation of the Holy Spirit. Thus it is that several branches of holiness are called the "fruit of the Spirit."105 If the Spirit is not at the root, and our soul is not resting daily in the Lord’s Sabbath, no such holy fruit can be seen on the branches.106 "Sensual" and "having not the Spirit" are twins coupled together.107


When humanity fell, it was a quadruple loss. The first loss was God’s love for us, 108 the second was our likeness to God, 109 the third was the loss of our eternal rest, and the fourth was our loss of eternal life. 110 By faith, Christ restores all this and more to His children.111 He restores the first by His righteousness, which is imputed to us.112 The second He restores by His Spirit, which imparts the lost image of God into us. With this, by faith in Christ, we may enter Christ’s eternal daily rest and be called the sons of God, gaining eternal life.113 We become "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" of everything They have.114 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."115 We must resolve to keep the commandments of God in order to have eternal life.116 The two are connected. Assurance is the cream of faith. This product of the Holy Spirit is only gained by being in the Sabbath of rest every day.117


It appears that the essence of the daily Sabbath observance is placed in the most unconditional and all embracing self-denial.118 Jesus said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow Me."119 The renunciation of our whole natural being and all our natural desires shows the most unconditional devotion to God. This is the New Testament continuous Sabbath which requires our total rest from our own evil works and our taking Christ’s work upon us every day.120

In Christ’s daily Sabbath, we know that we have God’s light, His guidance, in this world of darkness.121 By faith in Christ, we have a greater wisdom and knowledge of God than King Solomon, who petitioned God for wisdom and knowledge and received it at the time the Lord appeared to him.122 The true believer, by Christ’s Spirit, does the work of Christ every day in this world.123 The Apostle Paul explains, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."124

"Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world."125 "The Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works."126 "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any of you should seem to come short of it."127 "For we which have believed do enter into rest...As I have sworn in My wrath, if they shall enter into My rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world."128 "Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."129 Philip said, "If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest."130

This daily rest of God is the goal which all of creation must reach if they desire to enter into God’s paradise of Heaven.131 By faith, the Word of God guides people to this great goal. If we don’t, by faith, enter into Christ’s rest now and stay there daily, we will eternally find no rest day or night in Hell.132


God’s Sabbath was His original way of showing mercy by compensating mankind for its losses under the curse of sin. "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread."133 This referred to heavy, oppressive labor, which drew man away from God. Yet for relief, God mercifully ordered the Sabbath and hallowed it.134 At that time the Sabbath was separated from the other days of the week. It was to be a holy day for man by putting the blessing of his rest, the Sabbath, on that day.135 The New Testament daily Sabbath away from sin, Satan, and the influences of the world is the essence of God’s powerful salvation,136 an everyday enjoyment and reminder of the divine rest. The significance of the Sabbath explains why keeping it through all future generations of Israel [now New Testament spiritual Israel] is called a perpetual covenant [salvation], a powerful sign between Jehovah and the children of New Testament spiritual Israel forever.137

Knowing that God is truth138 and cannot lie,139 we know all His promises are true and real and belong to us.140 "Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee."141 "When He giveth quietness, who then can make trouble? and when He hideth His face, who then can behold Him?"142 "Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them."143


Satan has campaigned for centuries against the Word of God to cause people to lose faith in it.144 This is done so you won’t seek God through His infallible Word and enter His daily rest.

By faith, the Corinthians received many gifts from God, but Satan would rather have them think of themselves rather than having received the gifts by their faith in God.145 The reason for this is that he did not want them to "think soberly,"146 thus lose their souls. All other gifts, graces, and powers from God are to be tried and are given by our faith; if they are not the fruits of faith, they are not God’s work.


This is the difference between a true Christian and an unsaved person with a few virtues. The unsaved man or woman may have patience, temperance, liberality, and other moral virtues by which they show themselves to be above other heathen. They will expect honorable comments about themselves to present before God at judgment, hoping it will procure them happiness after death.147 In these things they glory while they live. The true Christian keeps himself sober in the sight of man and God.148 The Christian by faith may begin to receive the powers that were but virtues in the unsaved man, because the Christian has a quality that the unsaved man is lacking. The true Christian has discovered Christ, whose righteousness and holiness by faith becomes his. He values himself more for this than for what is inherent in him.

If you ask the unsaved man or woman what their worth is, they will tell you according to the amount of land they own, in the amount of money they have and the other worldly things that they have acquired. But the Christian man or woman, when asked what they are worth, will tell you that they value themselves by the favor of their Prince more than all their property, even if they have more lands and money than the unsaved man or woman. They will tell you that what their King Jesus owns is also theirs, except for Jesus’ crown, dominion, and glory.149 His purse is theirs to maintain them, His love to embrace them, and His power to defend them.

The poor heathen, being a stranger to God and his favor in Christ, blesses himself in the improvement of his natural stock, in the treasure of moral virtues which he has industriously gathered together, and in the restraint he has upon his corruption. The true Christian, the believer, having access by faith into God’s grace [power], is able to stand high in the eyes of God through Jesus Christ. He values himself by his faith rather than any other power he may have that is given by God. These gifts are not his at all, but come from Christ, who belongs to him by the faith by which he blesses himself.

The Christian will say that through God’s mercy he has a heart beautified with those heavenly graces or power which in heathen are but mock virtues of the proud self. Those who justify themselves only mock God’s graces. These mock virtues are no more like God’s gifts than an image in a mirror is compared to a face, or the shadow of a man to the real thing. The Christian may say he has that holiness which in truth the unsaved man has only in semblance. This grace of God in the Christian is a value infinitely above all the world’s treasures, or what they call pleasures. The Christian would rather be a saint in rags than a carnally exalted sinner. He can be willing to lose his natural life, counting himself no loser as long as he can secure his spiritual life.150 But this is not the biggest thing that a believer can say. He is not only a partaker of the divine nature by the principles of holiness infused unto him, he is heir to all holiness, to all the glorious perfections that are God Himself. All that God is or has are given to the Christian to call his own. God is pleased to be called His people’s God, "The God of Israel."151

Just as a person’s house and lands bear their owner’s names, God is graciously pleased to carry His people’s names, that all the world may know who He belongs to. There is nothing that God has kept from His people, with the exception of His crown, dominion, and His glory. That, indeed, He will not give to another.152 If a Christian wants strength, God will have him make use of Christ’s strength. True Christians do this boldly and confidently. The Lord calls Himself His people’s strength.153

There are no discrepancies in God’s Word.154 God’s promise to us is, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart [in His Word]."155

If we desire immortality, healing, deliverance, or anything else from God, we must seek Him with all our heart. Our entire heart must be employed to seek Him in His Word and in prayer.156 Otherwise, we shall never experience His eternal life, His healing, His deliverance, His rest, any of His other promises, or the tranquillity He gives all seekers in this turbulent world. It is a struggle to enter into God’s rest. Your holy new life will lose some love from the world, but you will gain more reverence and honor.157 They that do not love you because you are holy cannot help but feel fear and reverence towards you, even though they hate you. Let a godly person comply with the wicked, remitting a little of his holiness that he may correspond with them, and he will lose all that God has placed in him of holiness. Every loss in this world may seem great. But the greatness of it is small in reality. Our struggle and loss is well worth the eternal reward.158 We must conquer ourselves first, for we are our own worst enemy.159 It is a war, a battle between the Spirit of God and our flesh.160 This is the fiercest battle that will ever be fought.


God does whatsoever He will, and can do whatsoever He will, but He cannot do what He cannot will.161 He cannot will any unrighteous thing and therefore cannot do any unrighteous thing.162 God cannot love sin because it is contrary to His holiness. He cannot violate His Word, because it would be a denial of His truth. He cannot punish an innocent person, because this would be contrary to His goodness; He cannot cherish an unrepentant sinner, because this would be an injury to His justice. He cannot forget what is done in the world, because this would be a disgrace to His omnipotence. He cannot deceive His creatures, because this would be contrary to His faithfulness. None of these things can be done by God because of the perfection of His nature.163 It would be an imperfection in God to absolve the guilty and condemn the innocent.164 Is it consistent with the righteous and holy nature of God to command murder, to command adultery, to command men and women not to worship Him, but instead to be base and unthankful? These things would be against the rules of righteousness. We must, by faith, yield ourselves and surrender our entire will to God in His daily Sabbath, His will.165

Our faith observes how Christ performed His great work. He did this for our pardon and for our salvation.166 Our faith sees how Christ made the full payment for sin to the justice of God by pouring out His blood and dying upon the cross.167 We begin to see how precious, how valuable His acts of humiliation were in preparing all of this for us. He was sent into the world as a Lamb bound with the bonds of an irreversible sacrifice.168 When Christ came into the world, He knew that this was His work. There is no redemption but by His blood. "In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."169 There can be no church without His blood, "the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood."170


The church was taken out of dying Jesus’ side, just as Eve was taken out of sleeping Adam’s side.171 Christ did not redeem our lost souls by sitting in the glory and majesty of His heavenly throne but by hanging on the shameful cross under the tormenting hand of man’s fury and God’s just wrath.172 Therefore, our poor, miserable souls that would be pardoned of sin are directed to place their faith, not only on Christ, but on bleeding Christ "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood."173 The act of putting our faith upon Him in this circumstance is resting on Christ crucified. This is a battle we must win as Christ won.174 In His daily rest, in His ability, we can and will win this battle.175


Everything that would separate us from eternal life must be given up. This is why Jesus stated, "Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple."176

Anything that pulls us away from God and out of the daily Sabbath must be forsaken.177 Satan will relentlessly employ every device he has to cause us not to give it up.178 Satan will offer a life of wealth, a good name or reputation, worldly honor, a life of idleness and ease with no responsibility, and all the other idols worshipped by the world.179 The bondage of the entire world must be broken.180 We cannot belong partially to the Lord and partially to the world.181 We cannot be the sons and daughters of God at daily rest unless we are entirely His.182 Those who profess to serve God, relying upon their own identity, strength, or man-made religion are not serving God at all, but serving Satan. A person’s own identity, strength, or man-made religion will not save him.


Christ demands, "Ye must be born again...of the Spirit."183 Christ must dwell in the heart. We must be filled with His love, His instructions, and His rest so we may have the joy and communion of fellowship with Him. We must cleave unto Him and His ways, not our own.184 When we love Christ, we will prove it by our daily actions. "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments."185

If your desire is to become more holy, then become more holy by simply attaining more faith and more assurance. These are stored in God’s Word and reaped from there.186 When we surrender everything to Christ, we are surrendering a sin-infested heart, filled with every pollution imaginable. We trust Jesus the Messiah to purify us, to cleanse us by His own blood, and we ask Him to save us by His incredible power. Yet the human race thinks this is so hard to give up. Everything that God tells us to give up is in our best interest. Everything that God does is for our well being.187 God has an eternity of betterment to give us, more than the blind eyes of the world can see.188 Man thinks and acts according to his own will. His doings are greatly injurious to himself, especially to his soul. No happiness or joy can be found on the highway God forbids for us to travel.189 God has written the Bible and it is His Word that is best for His creation.190


The Christian knows he can do nothing without Christ and is not ashamed to admit it.191 We give Christ the credit for all that we do as Christians in God’s service daily.192 Isaiah stated, "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."193 The Psalmist David stated, "Rest [Sabbath] in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."194 "The work of righteousness shall be peace" to our soul.195

When Jesus invites us into the promise of rest daily, we become also united with the call to labor daily, "Take My yoke upon you [My work]...and ye shall find rest unto your souls."196 A person that rests daily will be the most earnest and active in godly labor. When our minds dwell upon ourselves, they are turned away from Christ who is the source of strength and life.197 It is Satan’s relentless work to keep our attention diverted from the Lord, thus preventing the communion and daily rest of our soul with Christ.198


When Satan makes us believe that sin is pleasure instead of the cruel bondage of the world, the cares of this life, and the different sorrows and perplexities, when our minds blaze and fume against the faults of others or against our own faults and imperfections, he diverts our minds from God. Millions who began conscientiously serving the Lord have been led to dwell upon their own faults and weaknesses by Satan, thus becoming separated from Christ’s power and daily rest.

Satan’s goal is to gain the victory.199 We must not make ourselves the center of attraction by indulging in anxiety and fear over whether we shall be saved or not. All these things turn our souls away from the source of our strength. Just simply commit the keeping of your soul to God.200 Trust in Him and His rest daily.201 Talk and think of Jesus.202 Let yourself become lost in Him.203 Put away all doubt and dismiss your tears. Say with the Apostle Paul, "I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."204 He is able to keep that which we "have committed unto Him against that day," which is our very souls.205 If you leave yourself in His big hands, meaning His daily rest, confident that He will perform all He has promised, you will become more than a conqueror through Him that loves you.206 Christ tied us to Himself in love with so powerful a cord that it cannot be broken by any power, unless we give Satan permission to cut the cord and separate us from Christ in His daily rest. The Lord warns us to watch and to pray always.207 This is so that nothing will entice us to choose another master, thus departing from Christ’s daily Sabbath of rest. God has given us free will, and we have the ability to consent to this. If we wish to live, we must keep our eyes trained only upon Christ so Christ will preserve us. When we look unto Jesus, we are safe and at rest every day. Nothing can pluck us out of His hand.208 When we continuously behold Him, we "are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."209

We, who rest in Christ daily, have the assurance of God hearing and answering our prayers,210 of God giving us His comfort when we are afflicted,211 of God granting us the continuance of power, the grace of God,212 of God supporting us in our death,213 of God granting us a glorious resurrection,214 of God sharing the kingdom with us,215 and of God granting us a crown [the crown of eternal life].216

The saints are to give diligence to obtain blessed assurance.217 "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."218

God, in His covenant promise of power, promised to enable all THE BELIEVERS to live a holy life daily. By faith, "I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes."219 This is the way that God has by Himself entered the believer, giving the believer the power to become a son of God. This enables him to leave his former sinful life and live the life of Christ in His daily rest, so God by faith might work in him daily. This power comes with God’s promises. Hence, these promises are called "exceeding great and precious promises [because they are given by faith for this very purpose]: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature."220 We are, by the power of faith, joyfully compelled to holiness through God’s command.221 We are also, by the power of faith, drawn to Him by His promises to us. "Having therefore these promises [to help us by their encouragement],...let us [by the power of faith in Christ] cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness [daily] in the fear of God."222

It is good to work for Him who promises to work all His works in us and for our behalf as we, by the power of faith in Christ, rest assured in Him daily. "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure."223


When we reach this level of Christianity, we then know God has laid up in Christ a rich and full treasure of power to supply all our wants continually.224 "It pleased the Father that in Him [Christ] should all fulness dwell."225 "For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."226

By the power of faith, Christ becomes the instinct of our new spiritual life at rest in Him. He helps us receive all the power and hope stored within the Word of God by the power of faith in Christ that we might trust Him completely by entering into Him.227

Like Samson, the Christian may only persevere by faith in God’s Word,228 His power, which is called grace in biblical language. Our faith is God’s grace, His power which flows into our hearts from the promises and affirmations written in God’s Word.229 This is why God tells us, "By faith ye stand."230 Faith and only faith in Christ is the angel that can deliver the heavenly, comforting message to the soul. This is God’s great bulletin, good news, telling the soul that it shall persevere. Faith defies the sense and reasoning of man.231 Faith only believes God. It seems impossible to man’s sense and reason that any bruised reed could bear up against all the counter blasts of Hell’s raging words. Only the Christians, because of their faith, know what God’s grace, or power, can do. Having found God’s power so much more powerful than Satan’s, we believe it more sensible to give the victory to the much stronger one. When we see the possibility of our death, we, having faith, find powerful life in God’s promises. We rest assured in them every day; they comfort our souls.232 Our faithful Lord God will not allow His power [grace] to see corruption.233 He has undertaken the well being of His saints.234

Faith is God’s chief power in us that we may know how evil unbelief or doubt is.235 It is the chief of all sins, the king of sin.236 Just as faith is God’s radical power, so is unbelief the devil’s radical sin, a sinning sin. The most evil of sinners are those who are the gang leaders, those who encourage and cause others to sin such as Jeroboam, who made Israel sin.237 These are the most damning and most productive of sins. Unbelief is worse than any other sin. It is the gang leader’s sin, he whose occupation it is to make others sin.

Satan’s set up uses the sin of unbelief as a blinding wall of darkness between sinners and God. This deadly, evil, spiritual bullet is leveled at the sinner’s heart and soul so that the thought of Hell will not be dreaded and feared. Therefore, the simple wretch can be as bold as he will with his lusts. The sin of unbelief not only chokes the bullets of wrath sent from the Law’s fiery mouth, but also throws a wet blanket over and muffles the motion of God’s powerful daily rest which comes from the gospel. All the offers of love which God makes to an unbelieving heart fall like seed into the dead earth or pour like sparks from the deadened heart into the river. They are dead as soon as they fall into it.238 God’s Word states, "The Word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it."239 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."240 This sin of doubt is called "an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God."241

When we become obedient to the spiritual command of Christ to enter His rest daily, our conscience is quickened. We’re able to understand God’s holiness and His sacred law, that which the kingdom of Heaven, earth, and the entire universe was founded upon. The eye of the body, the spiritual eye lost by Adam’s sin, cannot be restored by carnal teachings or by angels of light, who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, Satan’s hirelings.242 Sin is the major disease that Christ came to cure.243

The sooner we close the doors to evil in our lives, the sooner we shall reap God’s blessings.244 When we come to Jesus, we are to come just as we are with all of our faults, needs, imperfections, and weaknesses.245 When we do this, He will cleanse us of all our sins, redeeming us to Himself through His own blood that He shed for us at Calvary.246 By the power of faith, He will then satisfy the longing in our souls for holiness.247 This He does for everyone who agrees by the power of faith to enter His rest daily. Those who agree to wear His yoke [to do His work] will enter His peace and rest.248 By the power of faith, full of glory, they will receive heavenly bliss as well as Heaven’s paradise with unspeakable joy.249


When, through the Bread of Life, God’s Word, Christ grows in us until He is fully formed, our soul and His become one soul and we become partakers of His rest, power, and might daily.250 You may be enslaved by doubt, you may be morally weak and controlled by the wicked habits of your lustful life of sin and still have a strong desire to surrender yourself to Christ. But every time you have tried to stop sinning, you have failed miserably.

Satan has sold the world a bill of goods that sin is pleasure, but if you, the sinner, will be honest, you know that sin is not pleasure. It is nothing but cruel bondage and drudgery, the hardest of labor, a nightmare.251 You will find that you have broken every promise to God and all your resolutions have sunk to the depths of Hell, where you know you shall sink as well if this bondage and servile labor which holds you is not broken away from you. Your weaknesses have caused you to doubt your confidence in your own sincerity towards God. You have no control over your thoughts, your desires, your impulses, and your emotions. All these make you feel that God will never accept you. You have no need to despair if you will only listen to the Lord.

The power and force of our will is great. The will is the determining power which rules our lives. Our will is that which causes us to make right or wrong decisions. Our will has the ability to make that choice stick. The destiny of our soul depends on our will making the right decision. God has given us the freedom to choose right or wrong, God or Satan, Heaven or Hell.252 We, of our own selves, cannot change our wicked hearts, but we can choose to serve God. We can give Him our will. When we do give Him our will, He will begin to do His will in us.253 When this happens, our weak nature begins to change because the Spirit of God takes control of us, making us do His will. By the power of faith, our attention begins to be focused on God. Our entire desire focuses on how to please Him. Through the true desire of our will to do God’s will, we begin a total change in our lives.254 We see our unrighteousness change into righteousness.255

Righteousness can be manifested now when we enter Christ’s daily rest by our will. Christ’s will for us is to Sabbath and rest in Him daily. If we, by faith in God, yield up our will, He will give us the rest, the strength, and His power to do His will. This can only happen by our continuous surrendering of our will to His will. We shall be given the daily rest, the strength, and the power of God to live the overcoming life of the former saints of God, as well as the eternal life of bliss in God’s paradise of Heaven. If this is your true desire, then say this prayer right now:


My LORD and my GOD, have mercy upon my soul, a sinner. 1 I believe that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of the living GOD. 2 I believe that HE died on the cross and shed HIS precious blood for the forgiveness of all my former sins. 3 I believe that GOD raised JESUS from the dead by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT 4 and that HE sits on the right hand of GOD at this moment, hearing my confession of sin and this prayer. 5 I open up the door of my heart, and I invite YOU into my heart, LORD JESUS. 6 Wash all of my filthy sins away in the precious blood that YOU shed in my place on the cross at Calvary. 7 YOU will not turn me away, LORD JESUS; YOU will forgive my sins and save my soul. I know because YOUR WORD, the Bible, says so. 8 YOUR WORD says that YOU will turn no one away, and that includes me. 9 Therefore, I know that YOU have heard me, and I know that YOU have answered me, and I know that I am saved. 10 And I thank YOU, LORD JESUS, for saving my soul, and I will show my thankfulness by doing as YOU command and sin no more.11

You've just completed the first step in a series of five steps which are necessary to receive salvation. Your second step is to deny yourself and take up the cross daily for the purpose of mortifying yourself, that is, for putting to death your own will, your soulful self, and the world with all of its lusts. All these must be baptized into the death of Christ.

Step three is your resurrection from the satanic life of Adam unto the sinless life of Christ. Step four is your ascension into a position of authority to reign for God on earth, and the fifth step is to reign for God on earth to the end for the purpose of bringing about the kingdom of Heaven on earth. You must learn the Word of God, then submit yourself and do what the Word says, so that the Church and the world may see evidence of your submission to God's Word, His order, and His authority in and by you.

Praise the Lord. May God reward you abundantly.

Pastor Tony Alamo

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Those of you who are in other countries, we encourage you to translate this literature into your native language.
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© Copyright September, 1996 All rights reserved World Pastor Tony Alamo ® Registered September, 1996

The Tony Alamo Christian Ministries Worldwide is a division of Music Square Church, Inc.

This literature was written in prison. Pastor Alamo, as the Apostle Paul, counts his imprisonment for Christ as being all joy.
Using the Authorized King James Version and other original texts.

"The True Believers' Sabbath" footnotes:

1. Matt.11:28, 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 7:50, 9:23, John 14:23, 15:4-7, Rom. 8:37 return

2. Lev. 20:26, Deut. 7:6, 28:9-10, I Pet. 2:9 return

3. Psa. 23:2-3, Acts 3:19-26 return

4. Matt. 11:29, John 14:27, Heb. 4:9-10 return

5. John 14:2-3, Heb. 4:9, 11:16, Rev. 14:13 return

6. Luke 16:20-31 return

7. Matt. 11:28 return

8. II Cor. 5:17, Gal. 6:15 return

9. Isa. 32:17-18 return

10. Heb. 10:16, Jer. 31:31-33 return

11. Jer. 31:33, Heb. 8:10 return

12. Gen. 3:1-5, Isa. 14:12-18 return

13. Mark 16:16 return

14. Eph. 2:8 return

15. Rom. 12:3 return

16.Prov. 16:4, Eccl. 11:5, Isa. 43:3, 45:15, 21, Acts 17:24-26, Rev. 17:14 return

17. James 2:17 return

18. Luke 9:62, John 6:66, I Cor. 3:16-17, 6:19, Eph. 2:19-22, Col. 2:6-7, I Pet. 2:5, I John 2:18-19, Rev. 21:3 return

19. Psa. 40:8 return

20. Ex. 20:8-11 return

21. Rev. 19:7-8 return

22. Heb. 10:16 return

23. Matt. 5:17 return

24.Rom. 3:31 return

25. Rom. 12:4-8, I Cor. 12:4-14, Heb. 4:3, 9-11 return

26. Ex. 19:5-6, Lev. 20:26, Rom. 6:19-22, II Cor. 7:1, I Pet. 2:9-10 return

27. Heb. 6:18-19 return

28. Psa. 51:17, Matt. 13:44, Luke 9:62, 14:33, John 14:15, Rom. 6:13, 16, 19, 12:1, II Cor. 8:5, Phlp. 3:7-11, I John 2:4 return

29. John 14:15-17 return

30. Matt. 25:34-40, I Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21:1 return

31. Rev. 19:7-9 return

32. II Tim. 1:12, I Pet. 4:19 return

33. Gal. 5:22-23, Col. 3:9-15 return

34. John 15:5, 8 return

35. Rom. 13:14, Eph. 4:22-24, I Pet. 1:14-16 return

36. John 10:4, 27, 12:26 return

37. II Tim. 2:21, II Cor. 6:16-18 return

38. Rev. 1:6, 5:10, 20:6 return

39. Gen. 2:18 return

40. Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:5-6 return

41. Eph. 5:32 return

42. I Tim. 5:21-22, Heb. 10:22-25, I Pet. 1:22-23, I John 3:3 return

43. Psa. 97:10, 119:113, Matt. 6:24 return

44. Rom. 8:37 return

45. Mark 8:34, 10:21, Luke 9:59-62, Phlp. 3:7-9 return

46. I Sam. 16:7, Matt. 6:25, 28 return

47. Isa. 1:13-20, Rom. 2:28-29 return

48. II Cor. 4:16, I Pet. 3:4 return

49. Ex. 31:14-15, Lev. 23:30, Num. 15:32-36 return

50. Isa. 44:6, 49:26, Luke 6:39, John 3:16, 4:42, 10:1-2, 7, 14:6, Acts 4:12, Rom. 3:24, 5:9, I Cor. 1:30, I Tim. 2:4-6, Heb. 9:12, I John 4:14, Rev. 1:8 return

51. Jer. 13:23, 17:9 return

52. Job 14:4 return

53. Rom. 8:7 return

54. Heb. ch. 4 return

55. Isa. 32:17 , Rom. 5:1-2, II Cor. 1:24, Eph. 6:16, Heb. ch. 11 return

56. Prov. 16:25, John 3:27 return

57. Matt. 28:18 return

58. II Cor. 12:9 return

59. Psa. 2:12, 18:30, 34:22, 37:3, 5-11 return

60. Rom. 5:1-5, Phlp. 4:4, I Thes. 5:16, I Pet. 1:3-9, 4:13 return

61. Psa. 50:14-15, 100:4-5, Phlp. 4:6-7, Col. 2:7, 3:15 return

62. II Thes. 3:10 return

63. I Tim. 5:8 return

64. I Tim. 2:5 return

65. Matt. 12:8 return

66. Ex. 15:11, Psa. 72:18-19, 111:2-3 return

67. Lev. 20:26, Deut. 28:9, I John 3:6, 9-10 return

68. Phlp. 2:15-16 return

69. II Cor. 5:17 return

70. Rom. 8:21-22 return

71. Psa. 23:3, 111:9, Luke 1:68-75, John 1:12-13, Rom. 3:24, 6:18-22, Eph. 1:4-7, I Cor. 1:30, 15:45-47, II Cor. 11:2, Titus 2:14, I Thes. 4:3-4, 7 return

72. Eph. 3:17-19 return

73. Lev. 11:44-45, 19:2, 20:7, I Pet. 1:16 return

74. Phlp. 3:18 return

75. Mark 4:39, Jas. 4:7 return

76. I John 3:8 return

77. Isa. 13:9, I Cor. 3:17, Heb. 10:26-31 return

78. John 8:44 return

79. Luke 1:74, Acts, 20:28, Rom. 3:24-26, I Cor. 6:20, Gal. 1:4, 3:13, 4:4-5 return

80. Heb. 4:9-11 return

81. Ezek. 36:27, 37:14 return

82. Ezek. 20:19, 36:27 return

83. Mark 16:15, John 21:15-17, I Thes. 4:11-12, I Pet. 5:2-3 return

84. II Tim. 3:17 return

85. Eccl. 3:21 return

86. II Tim. 2:21 return

87. Isa. 58:13-14 return

88. Eph. 2:21-22, II Tim. 2:21 return

89. Eph. 2:10 return

90. Heb. 6:4-6, 10:26-31 return

91. Lev. 4:2-3, 4:13-14, 22-24, 27-28, 5:15-16, Num. 15:24-29, Heb. 9:7, I John 2:1, 5:16-17 return

92. I John 2:1 return

93. Ex. 28:43, 29:30, Lev. 10:12-13, 19:30, 21:12, I Sam. 2:12-17, 22-35, 3:11-14, 4:11-18, Psa. 5:7, 65:4 return

94. I Cor. 3:16-17, 6:19, II Cor. 6:16 return

95. Heb. 6:6 return

96. Matt. 12:43-45, Heb. 10:26-31, II Pet. 2:20-22 return

97. Lev. 19:18, Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:30, 31 return

98. Matt. 22:40 return

99. Eph. 4:13-16 return

100. Heb. 4:16 return

101. John 1:4 return

102. Deut. 5:15 return

103. Col. 3:1-3 return

104. II Tim. 1:7, I John 4:18 return

105. Gal. 5:22 return

106. Rom. 11:16 return

107. Jude 19 return

108.Gen. 3:7-19, 6:5-6, Rom. 3:23, 5:12 return

109. Rom. 5:12-14 return

110. Gen. 2:16-17, 3:19 return

111. Rom. 5:10, 8:17, Gal. 3:13-14, Col. 2:13-15, John 5:21, I Pet. 1:18-21, Rev. 5:9-10 return

112. Psa. 23:3, Isa. 53:11, John 17:26, Rom. 4:6, 22-25 return

113. Heb. 4:3, I John 3:1-2 return

114. Rom. 8:17 return

115. Rom. 8:1 return

116. Ex. 35:2, Deut. 8:1, Prov. 4:4, 7:2, Matt. 19:17, Jas. 2:10, I John 2:4 return

117. Ex. 20:8-11, Lev. 23:3, Psa. 37:7-9, Prov. 1:33, Isa. 32:15-18, Heb. 4:9-10, 10:22-23 return

118. Matt. 10:37-39, 11:29, 16:24-25, John 14:21, Rom. 8:13, Col. 3:5-10, I John 2:15-16 return

119. Luke 9:23 return

120. Job 11:18, Matt. 11:28-30, Heb. chap. 4 return

121. II Cor. 4:6, I Thes. 5:4-6, I Pet. 2:9 return

122. II Chron. 1:10 return

123. Jas. 2:18-26 return

124. Gal. 2:20 return

125. I John 4:17 return

126. John 14:10 return

127. Heb. 4:1 return

128. Heb. 4:3, 3:11, Ps. 95:11 return

129. Heb. 4:11-12 return

130. Acts 8:37 return

131. John 3:3, Heb. 4:11 return

132. Heb. 4:1, Rev. 14:11 return

133. Gen. 3:19 return

134. Ex. 20:10-11, 23:12, 31:12-17, Isa. 58:13-14 return

135. Gen. 2:3, Ex. 20:8-11 return

136. Psa. 20:6 return

137. Ex. 31:13-17 return

138. John 14:6 return

139. Tit. 1:2 return

140. John 14:6, Rom. 3:4, 2 Cor. 1:20, I Thes. 2:13, Heb. 6:12, 17-19, II Pet. 1:3-4 return

141. Job 22:21 return

142. Job 34:29 return

143. Psa. 119:165 return

144. Gen. 3:1-5, 13, Job 1:7, Isa. 14:12-17, Matt. 13:18-19, Mark 4:14-15, John 8:44, 10:10, I Pet. 5:8, II Pet. 2:1-3, Rev. 12:9, 12 return

145. I Cor. 4:6-7 return

146 . Rom. 12:3, Titus 1:8, 2:6, 12, I Thes. 5:6, 8, I Pet. 1:13, 4:7, 5:8 return

147. Isa. 64:6 return

148. I Thes. 5:6, 8, Titus 2:1-7, 12, I Pet. 1:13, 4:7, 5:8 return

149. Isa. 42:8, 48:11, Matt. 25:34, John 14:2-3, Rom. 8:14-17, Gal. 4:6-7, Rev. 5:9-10, 12 return

150. Phlp. 3:8-11 return

151. II Sam. 23:3, Isa. 54:5, Rom. 9:24-26 return

152. Isa. 42:8 return

153. I Sam. 15:29 return

154. Psa. 19:7, John 17:17, II Tim. 3:16, II Pet. 1:19-21 return

155. Jer. 29:13, Deut. 4:29, Matt. 7:7 return

156. Deut. 6:5-8, 10:12, 30:8-10, Psa. 119:9-11, 138:1-3, Matt. 6:33, 22:36-40, Luke 10:27-28 return

157. John 15:18-20, I John 3:1 return

158. Matt. 7:13-14, 16:24-27, Mark 13:13, Rom. 8:16-18, I Cor. 2:9, II Tim. 3:12, I Pet. 4:12-13, Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 3:5, 10, 12, 21, 21:7, 22:1-5 return

159. Rom. 7:18-25, 8:6-8, I Pet. 1:13-18, 2:11, 4:1-2 return

160. Matt. 26:41, Rom. 8:7, I Cor. 9:27, II Cor. 10:3-5, Eph. 6:10-18, Jas. 4:1, I Pet. 2:11 return

161. Jer. 32:27, Psa. 115:3, 135:6, Eccl. 3:14 return

162. Deut. 32:4 return

163. II Sam. 22:31, Psa. 18:30 return

164. Nah. 1:3 return

165. Col. ch. 3 return

166. Isa. 53:11, II Cor. 5:21, Heb. 9:28,12:2 return

167. Isa. 53:12, Phlp. 2:8, Col. 1:20-22 return

168. Isa. ch. 53, John 3:16-17, Acts 8:32-33, Rom. 3:24-26, I Pet. 1:19-20, I John 2:2, 4:10, Rev. 13:8 return

169. Eph. 1:7 return

170. Acts 20:28 return

171. Gen. 2:21-24 return

172. Eph. 2:14-16, Col. 1:20-23, 2:14-15, Heb. 12:1-2 return

173. Rom. 3:25 return

174. Mark 16:19, Eph. 1:20-22, Col. 2:15, Heb. 12:2-3, Rev. 1:18 return

175. Rom. 8:37-39, Phlp. 3:13-14, 4:7, 13, I John 5:4, Rev. 21:7 return

176. Luke 14:33 return

177. Matt. 10:37-39 return

178. John 10:10, I Pet. 5:8, Rev. 2:10, 12:9, 12 return

179. Luke 4:5-8 return

180. Lev. 20:26, Rom. 6:11-13, 13:12-14, II Cor. 6:17, 7:1, Eph. 4:22-24 return

181. Matt. 6:24, I Cor. 10:21 return

182. II Cor. 6:14-18 return

183. John 3:7, 8 return

184. Matt. 6:10, John 3:3, Rom. 12:9, Gal. 4:7-9, 5:16, 25, Eph. 5:1-8, 11 return

185. I John 5:3 return

186. Rom. 10:17 return

187. Prov. 4:13, John 3:16-17, 6:33, 35, Rom. 8:16-17, 28, I Pet. 5:7, I John 3:1 return

188. Isa. 64:4, I Cor. 2:9 return

189. Deut. 28:15-68, Prov. 13:15, 28:1, Isa. 48:22, 57:20-21, Matt.25:30, Luke 16:22-24, Eph. 5:5, Rev. 14:9-11, 21:8 return

190. Exod. 31:18, II Pet. 1:19-21, II Tim. 3:16-17 return

191. John 15:5, Mark 16:20, Rom. 1:16, I Cor. 4:4, Phlp. 1:20, 2:13, 4:13, Col. 1:26-29, Heb. 13:20-21 return

192. Psa. 62:7, 113:4-5, Phlp. 4:13 return

193. Isa. 30:15 return

194. Psa. 37:7 return

195. Isa. 32:17 return

196. Matt. 11:29 return

197. Rom. 1:21 return

198. Gen. 3:1-6, Luke 22:31, John 8:44, Jas. 4:7, Rev. 2:10 return

199. Isa. 14:14, Luke 8:11-12, John 10:10, I Pet. 5:8, Rev. 12:12 return

200. I Pet. 4:19 return

201. I Sam. 22:31, Psa. 5:11, 37:3, Prov. 3:5-6, Isa. 50:10 return

202. Prov. 15:4, 16:3, Isa. 26:3, Eph. 5:19-20, Phlp. 4:6-8, Col. 3:16-17, I Thes. 5:17, II Tim. 4:2, Heb. 3:13 return

203. Col. 3:3 return

204. Gal. 2:20 return

205. II Tim. 1:12 return

206. Rom. 8:37 return

207. Matt. 26:41, Mark 13:33, 14:38, Luke 18:1, 21:36, Eph. 6:18, I Thes. 5:17 return

208. John 10:28 return

209. II Cor. 3:18 return

210. Jer. 33:3, I John 3:22, 5:14-15 return

211. Psa. 4:8, 73:26, II Cor. 4:8-14, II Thes. 2:16-17 return

212. II Cor. 9:8, Phlp. 1:6 return

213. Psa. 23:4, Rev. 2:11 return

214. Job 19:26, Psa. 17:15, I Cor. 15:51-57, Phlp. 3:21 return

215. Heb. 12:28, Rev. 5:10, 21:7 return

216. II Tim. 4:7-8, Jas. 1:12, I Pet. 5:4, Rev. 2:10 return

217. II Pet. 3:10-14 return

218. II Pet. 1:10-11 return

219. Ezek. 36:27 return

220. II Pet. 1:4 return

221. Lev. 11:44-45, Eph. 4:22-24, I Thes. 4:7, Heb. 12:14 return

222. II Cor. 7:1 return

223. Phlp. 2:12-13 return

224. Phlp. 4:19 return

225. Col. 1:19 return

226. Col. 2:9 return

227. Psa. 37:3 return

228. Heb. 11:32-34, I John 5:4 return

229. Col. 3:16, II Pet. 3:18 return

230. II Cor. 1:24, Rom. 5:2 return

231. Heb. 11:1, 3 return

232. Psa. 23, 119:49-50 return

233. Psa. 16:10, 49:9, Acts 2:27, 13:35 return

234. Psa. 16:7-11, Matt. 6:25-33, I Cor. 15:57, II Cor. 1:3-5, 13:11, II Thes. 2:16-17, Heb. 13:5-6, I Pet. 5:6-7 return

235. Rom. 11:18-20, Eph. 6:16, I John 5:4 return

236. Mark 16:16, Rom. 11:18-20, 14:23, II Thes. 2:12, Heb. 3:12, 19 return

237. I Kin. 14:16, 15:30, 34 return

238. Matt. 13:3-7, Mark 4:3-7, 15 return

239. Heb. 4:2 return

240. Mark 16:16 return

241. Heb. 3:12 return

242. Matt. 7:15, John 10:12-13, II Cor. 11:13-15, II Pet. 2:1-2, I John 4:1 return

243. Matt. 9:12-13, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31, 32, John 1:29, Rom. 5:8, Col. 2:13-15, I Tim. 1:15, Heb. 9:26 return

244. Deut. 28:1-14, Prov. 10:6, Isa. 1:16-19 return

245. Matt. 9:13, 22:9-10, II Cor. 6:2, Rev. 3:20 return

246. Rom. 3:24-26, Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:20-22, I John 1:9, Tit. 2:13-14 return

247. Psa. 107:9 return

248. Matt. 11:29-30 return

249. Jas. 1:12, I Pet. 1:8-9 return

250. I Cor. 15:52-57, Eph. 4:13-16, II Pet. 1:3-4 return

251. Job 21:17, Prov. 1:24-31, 3:33, 10:24, 29, 13:15, Eccl. 2:26, Isa. 3:11, 33:11-14 57:20-21, II Pet. 2:19 return

252. Deut. 30:19, Josh. 24:15, Hag. 1:5-7 return

253. Phlp. 2:13 return

254. II Cor. 5:17-19 return

255. Rom. 6:11-13 return

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"Prayer" footnotes:

1. Psa. 51:5, Rom. 3:10-12, 23 return

2. Matt. 26:63-64, 27:54, Luke 1:30-33, John 9:35-37, Rom. 1:3-4 return

3. Acts 4:12, 20:28, Rom. 3:25, I John 1:7, Rev. 5:9 return

4. Psa. 16:9-10, Matt. 28:5-7, Mark 16:9, 12, 14, John 2:19, 21, 10:17-18, 11:25, Acts 2:24, 3:15, Rom. 8:11, I Cor. 15:3-7 return

5. Luke 22:69, Acts 2:25-36, Heb. 10:12-13 return

6. I Cor. 3:16, Rev. 3:20 return

7. Eph. 2:13-22, Heb. 9:22, 13:12, 20-21, I John 1:7, Rev. 1:5, 7:14 return

8. Matt. 26:28, Acts 2:21, 4:12, Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:14 return

9. Matt. 21:22, John 6:35, 37-40, Rom. 10:13 return

10. Heb. 11:6 return

11. John 5:14, 8:11, Rom. 6:4, I Cor. 15:10, Rev. 7:14, 22:14 return

12. John 14:6 return

13. Acts 4:12 return

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