
I am addicted to the Alamo Church. I feel I am part of the Pastor Tony Alamo Ministries. It’s the only church that I have found to be preaching the true Word of God. I have at least been in many churches but have failed to get the real truth, but when I started reading Pastor Tony Alamo’s Gospel literature, OMG my life drastically changed.

By the way, I recently renewed my life after reading just one newsletter; it was enough for me to be transformed. I pity those who have decided to ignore the truth by fighting this church. The more they fight it, the farther they are straying away from the truth and soon to fall into the pit. I am sorry to say but that’s the fact. Just ask yourself if you are one of them. If God takes His free breath from you, will you be with Him eternally or will you be screaming your head off in the lake of fire for the rest of your eternal life!!??

food for the thought : )
Nuwaha Oscar
Mbarara, Uganda