My name is Anna Moan. I have been a part of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries since Sept.4, 1972. When I first came and moved into the ministry I was 18 years old. At this time in the ministry we did not work on outside paying jobs. Our full focus was ministerial, reading and study groups of the Bible, a morning church service, and evening service. I would pray in our prayer room one or more hours a day. (One hour of Bible reading and one hour of prayer was mandatory, as well as services, to be allowed to live in the ministry’s seminary. Not only did this help us to deepen our relationship with God, it also helped weed out those who were only looking for a crash pad). We never had to be concerned about any of the property bills, gasoline, food, laundry.

Tony and Susan Alamo never needed us, we needed them. We needed their zeal and relationship with God. No one had ever taught me how to talk to God and be a true follower of Jesus, and Tony and Susan have. For Tony and Susan Alamo it has never been about the money; it has been what we all as a group can accomplish for God with the finances that come into the ministry.

In 1973 some of the brothers approached Tony and Susan with the idea of going to work in Bakersfield, CA, as a group to make finances to buy housing for first, families with children, married couples, and new dorms. I remember Tony and Susan gathering the brothers (men in the Ministry) and asking for a show of hands of those that wanted to do this. All hands went up, even the sister’s (women in the Ministry). But Susie said her girls were not going out there. We were young. I was 19 years old, full of strength. We sisters pleaded with Susan to let us help, and she finally let us go. It was good hard work, but the joy was when we bought an apartment complex in Canyon Country, CA. This was great Joy! Not only were families going to have their own apartments, but some would also be brothers’ and sisters’ dorms with city water (which is to this day not allowed on our Saugus #5 property in Canyon Country). We were not only growing stronger spiritually, and wanted to reach out further with the gospel, we needed better vehicles and printing presses, instead of hand stamped invitations to services with a message. Our motto between us was “Today Los Angeles, Tomorrow the World.”

I remember when Alamo Designs started making jewel jackets, and then air-brush painted jackets with Austrian crystals. Our bills were deeply running into the red. We worked together. I was an airbrush painter from the beginning of Alamo Designs in Los Angeles to Georgia Ridge, Arkansas. I remember working and one of the brothers coming into the production room saying that our property payments are out of the red; another time, our taxes are paid; another time, we are months ahead on property payments; another time, we have purchased a new fleet of vans! This all brought joy in the camp of the Lord. We were all working together in air conditioned buildings, all Christians, all happy. We even got to all pray together, and this was a lot of us praying in one accord.

I have been a part of this ministry for 40½ years. I have learned several trades through the ministry. I have helped off and on for several years with Arm Full of Help. I wrap Christmas and birthday presents for families that request help. We not only send presents, we send clothing. I pack clothing for dress-out boxes for prisoners all through the year from our 4th St. warehouse, and we always send gospel literature and Bibles and the Messiah book which Pastor Alamo wrote. Every night after services we serve a free meal to guests, and this is our dining room also. We all gather together there to eat and get literature ready for tract crews and mailing. It is a time of fellowship and work. I have been a cook in the ministry off and on for 38 years, and at present I am the head cook at our Ft. Smith church. I can tell you for certain that Pastor Alamo is very concerned that everyone eats well. Tony and Susan both took time to train, send in chefs to help train, and sent good cook books for maximum health and energy, all for the benefit of the brothers and sisters in the Ministry.

Pastor Alamo had us sign for joint ownership of properties many years ago and we all knew that after 25 years of service in the Ministry, our homes would be ours. However, a judge awarded our homes once to the Miller brothers, and now another judge is claiming that our properties in Ft. Smith are Tony Alamo’s. We are the ones that use these properties, not Tony. Spencer and Seth Calagna were both spoiled boys who were born and raised in the Ministry, and got everything for nothing, and now they still want everything for nothing. Where are we who have put in all our adult lives into the Ministry going to eat and sleep and gather together as the Bible teaches to do? What will the judge grant us? Will we be put out on the streets to satisfy Seth and Spencer Ondrisek? Will it be satisfying to see 60 year olds put out on the streets? Or our ability to feed and clothe the needy, or preach to lost souls over our pulpit that we worked hard to establish, taken away and given to these two chameleons? Where is the justness in this?

Anna Moan

