False Accusers Against Tony Alamo



Tony Alamo Did Not Abuse My Little Girl”

June 1991


Dear Pastor Tony Alamo,

I hope this letter finds you in time and that it will be used as a weapon against Satan to tear down the vicious lies told about you by those backslider-devils on the recent program Unsolved Mysteries. I know the Vatican-owned media and one-world government paid those dogs to malign you.

Let me be a witness in God’s courtroom for the accused, Tony Alamo, who in the past twenty years has been a constant source of strength and encouragement to me because of his dedication to the true Word of God, and his unwavering faith to preach it in the face of all adversity in these dark hours when the anti-christ, false prophet, and beast are being revealed.

What true, God-fearing Christian who knows his Bible could deny the testimony of the Word of God in your tracts, in any of your literature, and on your wonderful radio programs? These all are a witness to me that you truly are God’s prophet today to fulfill His will in calling the world to order.

And of my own personal testimony – you and Sue led me to the Lord some twenty years ago. You have inspired me all these years to serve Him with my whole heart. You have been a counselor to me in times of trouble and weakness and have done nothing but good for me and my family – for God is good. I can testify of the sincere concern and the kindness you have shown toward my daughter Carissa, who that lying Jim Griffin says you abused and who the Vatican-owned media humiliated on national television.

Was it abuse to allocate thousands of church dollars for Carissa’s doctors and specialists, brain scans, EEG’s, tests, lab work, and medication? Not to mention the nutrition expert and all the special foods and vitamins and herbs that money can buy. Did you abuse her by continually praying and even fasting for her? You even called the whole body of Christ to hold her up in prayer through your tapes that went worldwide. No, it was not abuse! And today we are still believing God for a miracle and complete healing. Thank you pastor for all you have done.

Isn’t it ironic that this one-world government that promotes abortion and mercy killing, and who owns our children and hands out contraceptives to them in our public schools, and says we can’t discriminate against homosexual teachers or read the Bible and pray in school…yes, isn’t it ironic that these “child abusers” are hunting for Tony Alamo (one of America’s ten most wanted fugitives) who never has or could abuse a child – mine or anyone’s. His crime against the Vatican one-world government and church is being a true Christian, a Bible-believer, and example and doer of the Word of God, a hater of evil, a reprover of sin, and an abuser of their god – Satan.

Tony, you are guilty of serving God and keeping His commandments! You are guilty of exposing the great whore – the Vatican!

Jim Griffin’s story is that he needed an excuse to justify his backsliding heart. So he believed Satan’s lies against Tony and became a pawn used by the Vatican to fulfill its will, by turning on the very one who led him to the Lord and spoon-fed him the Gospel for twenty years. Yes, he became like Judas and betrayed the innocent shepherd and the body of Christ, and he will be accountable for the blood of many souls.

Well, Tony, if you changed since Sue went on to be with the Lord (as Griffin stated), it was for the better.

1.) You grew stronger and more courageous against the enemy than ever before.

2.) You won more souls to the Lord than ever before.

3.) You became the boldest Christian I will ever hope to know in waging war against Satan and all the forces.

4.) You have made war with the beast! And Sue would be so proud of you for doing what she wanted to do but was too sick to do.

Now the U.S. marshals, the Vatican Gestapo, have threatened us with harm and imprisonment if we would dare to help or support you in any way, but we cease not to pray for you and know assuredly if God be for us, who can be against us?

Thank you Jesus for Tony Alamo and all he has done for me and my family. I will be ever grateful for the past twenty years at the church. May God continue to hide you in the center of His will and from the insurrection of the wicked. We will continue to pray for you and yours in the work of the Lord. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.
God be with you always!

Your fellow servant in the Gospel,

Dorothy Curry and family